Review – “Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley” the Book

Mastering Manga 
das Buch von Mark Crilley

Dieser Artikel wird aus Respekt vor Mark Crilley in Englisch und deutsch veröffentlicht. Leider ist mein Englisch nicht das beste, aber ich werde versuchen alles so gut wie möglich zu übersetzen.

This Article will be offered in two languages, german my mothers tounge and english, cause of my respect for the author Mark Crilley. My english is not the best, but i will try to translate everything as good as possible.

Hier könnt ihr zwischen den Sprachen hin und her schalten, ich habe bzw. werde zwei Artikel schreiben.

Klick here to change between languages, there will be two articles available:



[ German ] -=- [ English ]
Who the Fuck is Mark Crilley ?
Mark Crilley is one of the most popular How-to User. He draws Mangas and shares his passion and experience with his fans at youtube. He´s 46 years old, and lives in the united states. At Youtube by now he has abaout 580.000 Subscribers and more than 100.000.000 Views, with a lot of views from myself. Mark Crilley is one of youtubes best, and only this fact makes him interesting. Mark doesn´t only have his experience. He also knows how to explain things the simple way, ans uses a simple, easy to understanding style of writing. The Book “Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley”
is his first book in this Genre. Well known other titles of Mark are Brody´s Ghost or Miki Falls. Mark is a professional author that searches the nearness to his fans. In his videos a viewer feels that the video ist more important, than for example the camera. That makes him a cool guy.

The Book

Mastering Manga is a typical How-to-Book like hundred of others in the Market. But Mark Crilley´s book has one important advantage: he´s good, and he have fans. The Style of the book is similar to his videos, and so you can find Marks personal style everywhere. That makes you feel a bit like reading one of his videos, sounds a little strange, but a great feeling. It makes you feel near to the videos, near to the author and near to the book. Mark has an own kind of making his readers happy, and addict them to his book. O.K. the book is about drawing Mangas, like the title says already. He knows where the most mistakes are made, and what his readers want to know from him. You can really feel thtat this book is more than just another How-to-Book. Also Mark has no problem telling you how to draw fat characters, what i have never found in another How-To-Draw Manga book, and i read a couple of. That shows me that it is a fact, that Mark really wants to concentrate most information on less paper. I don´t want to spoiler to much, but one thing i can tell you, that you will have to believe me, if you like Mark Crilley´s videos at youtube, you will love his new book.

Mastering Manga with Mark Crilley a Conclusion

Mark Crilley´s How-to book is an perfect Option to the other books on the Market. Mark tries to show you everything in this book you will need, from characters, different styles to Backgrounds and complete Design of a Manga Page. Mark´s How-To-Book is really the first, complete book, that shows all you need to make your own Manga drawings and Pages. In this book you will learn not only some things about Mangas, but also when you have learned this Lessons, and understand everything Mark wants to tell you




you will be ready to make your first Manga, page by page. I am now a great fan of this book, and are able to approve it for everyone who want´s to take a look in the completed World of Mangas, and try his first steps in this genre. 





O.K. now no real translation. In this position i tell you in german that the shipping to germany lasts about one or two weeks. Not very fast, but there is a little bit of water between the US and Germany. So don´t be sad if it´s last a little longer, to arrive. My book was send to me from UK and took from 15.5.12 till 24.5.12, not fast, but ok. shipping in the US, from the US, i do not think that you will order in the UK, when you live in the US, will go faster, but therefore i have no experience. Sadly i never was in the US by now, but this will change one day.

Greetings from Germany…
Your Frank The Tank

P.S.: Hey Mark, if you will ever land on this Page, i will hope you will leave a comment on this review. OK we are happy for every comment in this Blog, from everyone in the World. Yours FT-Team

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